Monday, November 16, 2009

Video Phone - Beyonce & Lady GaGa

So it has definitely been WAY too long since my last post, so I shall try and bring you up to speed.

After work-filled days and liquor-present nights, my summer sadly came to close and I moved all my ish up to my new home in OT, ME. WAY diff from the town that U is in, but nevertheless, it is an apt, and BioBitch ( YES, we are living together again! :) ) and I are thoroughly happy. BrandyGirl is who we should really thank, because she is the one that picked us up and gave us our happy and pet-filled home! Though her pets are getting quite old, and her dog has leaked on our floor on more than one occasion.

The semester is well on its way, slash it is almost Turkey Day and I am stoked, because what does that mean? TWO WEEKS -> FINALS -> XMAS BREAK! (translation: alright! -> fook meee. -> FUCK YES!!!) Classes are going well, and I also got hired by Campus Rec to become one of the proud few IM Supervisors. Hah, I kid. I learned REAL quick that we supervisors are the biggest assholes on campus. All guys, except me and FH Girl. Yep. Well BarnYard works once in a while, but we don't really count her.

Being a supervisor has its ups and downs. It is super easy, which results in it being boring, but you meet SO MANY PEOPLE. Like right now, I've been hanging out with the Jap and his cuddy buddy Hunter. Jokes. They just act like they are, they're completely straight; they go to the gym, the play COD, they hunt together and they go to the bars together. I said "straight", right? Ah well. But they are super chill and gotta love them, for they are both adorable and fun little dudes.

Speaking of dudes, there have been none in my life this semester, for the most part. I mean, FishTank has asked me out a few times, and I did indulge on a few free meals, with BioBitch and her guy, buddy...toy(?) ANYWAYS. I must confess, I have been trying to follow this path of the straight and narrow, because ever since my whole ESPN crush has become slightly overbearing, I really haven't felt the need to get some dude's p in my vg. As of this past saturday night, my streak had been SEVEN MONTHS. I was SO good! And then I effed it up. With KiteSurfer, so I really don't regret it because he's one of the coolest guys I have ever met, and he's super nice and cute. But I couldn't help but feel reallyyy guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty! Damn you, conscience. I was doing so well too.

BUT THERE'S NO USE IN CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK. Because with this certain series of events, I have come to the conclusion that I must stop acting like a pussy and finally tell ESPN how I feel by the next time we hang out. And considering that's about once every couple of weeks, I got plenty of time to build up the courage! HAHA.

Pros (of telling ESPN)
-we might be able to see each other more
-get to know him better
-watch fresh prince with him

Cons (of telling ESPN)

So you know, seriously, that's a pretty big CON. I guess that's why I have delayed it for so long. And I need to tell him soon, because I feel like my little secret is getting to not be so secret amongst our co-workers, and if he didn't hear it from me, I'd feel like a super tool.

Alright, I think that's about it for now! :) BioBitch and I are going with a few people to watch the Leonid Meteor Shower! Sneak on to the V Golf Course with blankets, hot chocolate and warm clothes and it'll be a little campout! I'm so excited!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Angels and Demons Soundtrack

So this summer has been eventful thus far. Burton came and visited me for the first couple weeks, going in to Boston a couple times and meeting a few new friends including her now boytoy, Wood Builder and Higham Legacy, both friends that played LAX overseas, cool right? Then there was a trip back up to U to clean out the apartment some more and visiting ESPN. I missed him loads, we just don't get to talk as much anymore, which is depressing. Burton has also joined the ranks of the 21 crowd. Why yes, and it was epic, let me tell you. Grabbed her from her sister's HS graduation and then went down to MA to meet Wood Builder and Hingham Legacy for a little "Surprise (NOT) Party". Good times were had by all. So drunk, I slept in their backyard with my ever-prepared sleeping bag from the trunk of my car. I know, I'm that awesome.

BioBitch and FH Friend came down to visit me a couple weeks ago! We had fun playing LOTR Trivia and other cool games while listening to the complete recordings of said movie. I know, we're SUPER cool. One of the days we went down to Conn to see BitterConn! How exciting! He was able to take a day off from his busy work schedule to host us for the day and also give us a tour of his old high school. Guess BioBitch and I can't really make fun of his "cahmpus" anymore, because it legitamitely WAS! SO NICE. I was jealous, I would have killed to go to a place like that for high school! The next day was filled with adventures in Newport. I got to show the two the awesomeness that are the Newport Mansions. So beautiful, even on a rainy and cloudy day.

Went to NY with Burton in order to help her hubby, Wood Builder, move out of his apartment, seeing he lost his job. Poor guy, my heart goes out to him, seeing by this point, I was still sadly unemployed. Both of them knew I was there purely just to help, so they paid for most of my expenses, which I enjoyed, because I would not have been able to afford to do so anyway.

When I came back from that, the fam and I drove up to our little camp in ME to enjoy a very rainy, thundering, cloudy 4th of July. Ahahaha, but it was a good time had by all anyway. We got to visit the grandies, and got to see some old grown-up friends. After coming back, however, I GOT MY JOB BACK. Yes, yes. Spyder has hired me back, not as a full-time or part-time. More of a, call me when they need me sort of thing. Also doing some landscaping for a neighbor as well, now that the weather has FINALLY turned into something that resembles summer!

This past weekend, I just came back from the cape with Bookworm and Biker Chick. Always a good time with those two, and Bookworm's fam is hilarious. But not really in a deliberate way. Ahahaha. Anyway, updates later, have louds of things coming up within the next couple weeks!!!

You stay classy, Blogger.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ame no Hi wa No, Thank You - Roy Mustang

Random Number: Marshmello
Me: ???
RN: Ahahaha mallow its gabby lol i am mallow stalking you jk jk
Me: I think you have the wrong number.
RN: Why who is this?
Me: Someone that does not know a mallow or gabby.
RM: U wish u knew me


Really? Bahaha, dumb. But hey, amusing for me. Better not be killing my phone usage though, or else I'd have to smack a ho. :)

Home - Marc Broussard

Oh my GAWD I'm home in the Tri from U and it has never felt SO good! Sunflower reporting for duty as the days of summer quickly approach us!

And what's not to love about summer than boys, boys, and more boys! I mean, we're talking overload right now, and I am certainly going to be busy! Let's start off with Spyder Man, you can get where he's from. Apparently, he's newly single from his ball and chain gf, bahaha, I can laugh at that. Well, I just started the oh so friendly conversation of when the hell I was getting hired back on, then it lead to dirty talking (which I CANNOT resist!) and then BAM, money shot of the good ol' friend. How cute, it looks good in a small, pixely picture from a text kind of way.

And we cannot forget Soccer Boy, who I am looking forward to seeing. I actually visited him over spring break and that was loads of fun! I got to go skiing! Oh the good times of bumming around western U town and getting hammered/high at night while watching the C's dominate. Never a dull moment. ahaha liesss. We will see what Soccer Boy has in store for these on-coming sweltering, clothes-less months ;)

I have to say, I cannot meet guys from other girls. This includes, FH Friend. I met two great new guys through her, but the thing is, she is crushing hard on both of them! When she has a boyfriend! And don't even get me started on that. He's 32. Enough said, am I right? EW. EW. EW. I love you to death, FH Friend, but find someone within OUR decade! UGH! But anyway, her friends: we've got BitterConn and ESPN. Turns out BioBitch has a fancy for BitterConn, which is cool, because he's the must amusing bitter person I have ever met with an awesome taste in music. Now, ESPN, he is awesome. We watched the C's games together while we were still both at school, and it's so much fun! It's like having my own personal Sportscenter. <3 Let's not tell FH Friend...

Wow I sound like a whore. I love it. It's summer, it's time to let lose! But not in that way ;) I just want to relax and have a good time! This past semester was HELL. But you know what, grades are in and I'm STILL smiling! :) :) :)

Now there is a serious story, but I'm too lazy to give all details. But it basically entailed Chem-E getting smacked with a sexual harrassment charge by BioBitch and FH Friend. Sigh... I also got blamed for it, but little ol me was third party and not informed until said deed was done. Can't even tell you how much hate mail I got. BAHA, silly people, tryin to scare meee.

Oh man, I could go for a good snuggle right now.

CellPhone Goodie:

ahahahaaaaa aw man. hello summer 2009.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fukuin - D.Gray OST 3

Guess who's back, back again! I'm like Slim Shady, I just never totally disappear for too long.

Roomies in the OT: DDR Asian/Chem-E/Bio Bitch (she's not really a Bitch, it just is too good to pass up an alliteration like that!!! (: )

Yes! It is me, Sunflower Girl back from the creeping ice-covered depths of U. The fall semester was definitely something different to report on. Yes, I, Sunflower Girl, was in an actual relationship for more than 7 seconds, let alone a MONTH. It was an amazing relationship, let me tell you.

Let's call him the Ref. The Ref and I met in a trailer park by a mutual friends. How trashy does that sound!? Haha. Anyway, we hit it off right away and I guess there was some amazing sort of chemistry because we couldn't be separated afterwords! Well, we did, it was just a difficult task in doing so. It was great. I slept at his place (the trailer ((snickersnicker))) and he slept at my place. We went to parties, hung out with his friends, hung out with my friends, and had so many great times together, and we were so much alike it was really kind of creepy.

But yes, ladies and gentlemen, all good things come do an end and Sunflower Girl can't go too long without fucking things up completely. Well, for the most part. There are some things that a totally capable girl like me needs, and that is space. Finding your other part is totally great and everything but there is a point where I get claustrophobic and lock lips with another fling. Don't get me wrong, I hate cheating because I know how it feels and it is not pleasent in the least. But getting hammered and trying to see your friend (Board Boy) who you haven't been able to see all semester: you make some mistakes. One second, two second, three second - what? oh shit, four second - this is not my boyfriend!

Right. And there were other things that sent our relationship out of its perfection. I was accused of not hanging out with Ref's friends as musch as we hung out with mine. I was too flirtatious (uh...YEAH, kind of what a do, nothing can fix that) AND I had too many guy friends. Ridic. Oh! And I'm really self-centered. Um. Duh. We all know this. It's not the ego..okay, yeah, it's the ego, but it's my personality and it's all supposed to be a joke, and if you can't get it, then get the fuck out! It was doomed really from the start, and it seems all of the wrongs were my doing. It hurts to really think that a great relationship like our own was sent to the shredder because of all of my faults that I sincerely try to work on!

So by Thanksgiving, it was completely done. We tried after that all shenanifest, but it truly wasn't worth the continuing guilt-trips, and feeling like the bitch. So it was totally cut and we hardly have talked since. Which is weird for me, am I right? I always talk to my exes, see how they're doing, keep in touch with their family and so on. But nope. A door was slammed in my face as soon as this was over. My number was deleted and my name from his FB friends list. I mean, WOW, talk about severing all ties!!! And his excuse: It's just too much to bare and I am doing it for myself.

Cue WINTER VACA: Finally! Finals out of the way and a full month to be home and relax and make some money!


No hours at work and no relaxation at all!! Work cut all hours for the season so me and some of the oldies weren't even hired on for the entire vaca. How dumb is that? Yeah, I can totally understand the cut of hours because of our country's plummeting economy, but damn! A college girl is in need of some mula, man! And relaxation? No way. I spent every waking hour with Bookie (before jumped that big pubble between here and a mainland with some actual culture) Biker Chick, Zesty Girl, and of course: Soccer Slut.

Oh to rekindle the flame of summer flings. It's really kind of a good feeling, getting that text, or getting that phone call right when you arrive home after a long and grueling drive back from the U to the Tri-Town asking, "Are you home yet?" It's times like these that I really miss home and it does the soul some good to have just a good make-out when you are stuck inside in the middle of a huge snow storm in front of a beautifull lit christmas tree. Or on the couch in the middle of watching a Celtics game. Who knows.

New Years. May I express the drunkeness?? Bookie turned 21 and drinks with the Biker Chick fam. Wow. So much alcohol consumption and Rock Band. Muchas pictoras. And make out session with Disturbed Boy. Again. Like, this needs to stop. It was cute but jeez, even when I was leaving the night before, I didn't even get a good bye from DB. Makes me a little depressed. At least I got a nice good bye from Soccer Slut while Burton Babe was down to visit.

Wow, I'm so jumbled in these stories its amazing. Oh well, update: I finally put another hole in my face. Thrilling, yes?

So we're back for a new semester. The roomies are gearing up for DDR Asian's 21st tomorrow!!!! Can you saw jungle juice? Why yes, yes I can. JUNGLE JUICE!!!!

and single ;)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, it's been a while. But we're back. The campus has never looked so green!

yada yada yada.

Booyah. Hello college, i missed you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Symphony No. 18 F Major - Mozart

EPICNESS!!!! Not as much as Zesty Girl's a couple weeks ago, but oh man this was still pretty awesome. So drunk so quick and jello shots are amazing! And Soccer Slut pushed me in to the double digits. Sigh. I'm going to miss him after this summer.

Yes, I can get my new phone this week. I need to call and yell at that company for I have YET to get my new duvet.

When's school? I need to get out of here. This is unhealthy.